Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Technology and sole purpose of its existence

by Sridhar Jammalamadaka 0 comments


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Have you watched the blockbuster movie of 2009 - Avatar? I hope you enjoyed watching the CGI in the movie.

Now, imagine how would the movie had been if there were a lot more of computer imagery, but had no solid story, no quirky characters and no human emotions.

Would you have enjoyed that movie.. err documentary film? We don't want to waste our time on scientific demonstrations and dull showoff of advances in computer graphics. We want to watch a movie with a story, which has characters whom we can identify ourselves with. We want to laugh as the protagonist laughs and cry as he/she cries. So this 3d technology, cgi and other stuff should be used only as an enhancement, not as the essence of the movie. Technology only supports a story to make it more interesting. That's it. Nothing beyond it.

Let's discuss few more cases. If you are one among the 40 million proud owners of Apple iPhone or one like me who wants to own one, know how much people love the touch screen technology in an iPhone.

How would you like if iPhone had crazier technologies such as advanced digital signal processing using fourier transform and kaiser window algorithm?

Who cares what the heck of a technology is being used as long as it helps you solve one your problems, makes your life easy in some way or the other. Men want stylish gadgets which they can play with, show off to their friends, use them 24 x 7 to do their daily tasks, to connect with other human beings. We don't want to buy experiment kits from a research university. We would never love such tech gadgets which serve no real life purpose.

Why is science so highly regarded in this world? Just because all the human beings on this earth are geeks? Or is it because scientists and researchers in this world release some harmones that make them more likeable?

Let me hit the nail on the head. We like scientists because they invent products that help us live longer, help us earn money using them, help us watch & enjoy live telecast of our favourite sport. If scientists created products that serve no practical use to human beings, we don't want them(scientists and their tech products) at the first place.

I am simultaneously downloading a free anti-virus program while writing this article. I am downloading them because I, like all the other human beings on earth, am interested in researching how a virus(a computer virus not H1N1) works. I'm downloading this program for the natural animal instinct of reading geek computer code for every earthly activity. I'm kidding. The real reason for downloading this software is that I can save the crashed windows on my aunt's PC. Now, why am I trying to recover windows on my aunt's PC. Because she had stored poems her son wrote since childhood. She cares for the invaluable poems that her own son wrote than any other software in this world. So the only reason why I, being a normal human being, am dowloading an anti-virus to save my cousin's poems.

The bottom line of this article is to emphasize how fundamental it is, for any technology to serve human purposes. Every technology in this world exists just because it helps people directly or indirectly, and not because of their technical coolness. My previous self has motivated me to write this article. I was a person who just loved technology over everything in this world. When someone tells me that they know xyz technology, I would regard him/her as a guru and a super human. And when someone tells me they don't understand any technologies, I used to think of them as fools. How naive I was!

Technology would be nothing but a piece of shit, if people stop using it. Period.

ps: Having said all this, by no means do I intend to offend the tech guys. I myself am a graduate of electronics engineering and a software developer. I am not against people that work on technology but against the notion that technology is a winner irrespective of human use.

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Mahābhūta in Sanskrit refers to the five *basic* elements of life: space, air, water, fire and earth. It is believed by yogis that every material thing in this world is constituted of these five elements. This blog is named Mahābhūta Marketer to figuratively indicate that this blog is all about basic elements of marketing.

Sridhar Jammalamadaka
I am a professional blogger, I write a blog called Interview Mantra. I am not an MBA graduate, I like the effort that goes in selling a product, the effort it takes to make a product more buyable.
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